Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The sudden cliff after the peak

My emotional graph to a heaviside-like downturn today. (for those of you who don't know what a heaviside function is, it basically means a verticle slope where a graph suddenly falls to 0, as though it is turned off in a split second)

But still, I found this phrase in Huei Weun's blog, just when I needed it most.

"Love when it's hard, work as if it's the last day of work."

I don't understand how does that apply to me, but I like the part that says, love when it's hard. It doesn't say love when it's easy to love, when it pleases you to love, but love when it's hard, when no one else can love. Love when you do not receive love in return, love when all you are getting is hate, love even when the other person don't even seem to care, love even when it means you have to give up yourself, give up your desires and dreams...

Hah, I still don't understand what I am talking about. I hope I do, but if I do, then I won't need to blog about it at all...

Still, I like the phrase I saw on somewhere:

"He is no fool to give up that which he cannot keep, that he may gain that which he cannot loose."

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